Insights & Reports

Thought leading insights, research and events that define our markets

Windmill in Penzance Insights 22.11.21

The process of completing heritage assessments is not what it once was. Certain things used to be OK to say, or sufficient for the job. Not now. The margin for error is now so slim, and the structure for justifying your conclusions so well established , that there is little wriggle room. Therefore, the buzz word is 'thoroughness'.

Why we need to make heritage assessments 'thoroughly thorough'

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Image of Garden Village_smaller Insights 11.11.21

The long-anticipated Draft NPF4 was published for consultation by The Scottish Government yesterday evening (10 November). Given that climate change and the climate emergency are key themes and referenced over 100 times throughout the document, it’s no coincidence that the publication has coincided with the timing of COP26.

Fourth National Planning Framework inevitably focusses on sustainability and locality

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 8 Insights 10.11.21

The Environment Act 2021 has received Royal Assent at a pivotal time while COP26 is coming to its conclusion. The huge public and parliamentary demand to improve our state of nature has resulted in the UK becoming the first country to set a legal target to halt species decline by 2030.

The Environment Act Becomes Law

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Big Ben and the houses of Parliament in London at dusk Insights 05.11.21

Both Boris Johnson and Michael Gove made Tory conference speeches pushing housebuilding on brownfield sites up this Government’s agenda. With funding for regenerating brownfield land announced in last week’s Budget. Alison Wright looks at whether these measures go far enough.

Is the Government serious about its ‘Brownfield First’ pledge?

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COP26 Insights 04.11.21

Everyone has such high hopes for COP26. For many, it is a hope born of desperation; an awareness that these negotiations really do represent our last best chance to course correct with regards to our impact on the planet.

COP26 – Let’s sweat the small stuff

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Nottingham.JPG Insights 29.10.21

A year after the publication of the Planning the Future White Paper (August 2020), it seems the right time to re-evaluate where we are with the professional tools that are associated with the delivery of the planning reform. This is particularly key now that the Environment Bill was updated in September and the Brexit withdrawal process is in full swing.

An integrated approach to landscape and townscape assessment is needed.

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Image of St Paul's Girls School2 Insights 19.10.21

The Office for National Statistics expects 1.5 million jobs in England to be automated in the future and women, young people, and those who work part-time are most likely to work in roles that are at high risk of automation. (ONS, 2019).

Preparing your pupils for the future job market

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Female hand with model of house on wooden table background Insights 19.10.21

The pandemic brought the crisis in our social care system into sharp focus, and while much of the Government’s recent attention has been on reform of funding mechanisms, we ask what role the planning system can play in helping to fix social care, and particularly older people’s housing.

Can planning help to solve the social care crisis?

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Ollie Rivers Blog 07.10.21

We talked to Ollie about joining the Bidwells' residential sales team and discussed his career journey to date, and what his expectations are for the future.

Ollie Rivers discusses joining Bidwells and his career path to date

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 5 Insights 06.10.21

With biodiversity net gain soon to be become a legal requirement for developments in England, we have proactively established a service line that facilitates the delivery of biodiversity net gain schemes. One such scheme is being delivered at Lower Valley Farm, South Cambridgeshire, where we have partnered with Cambridgeshire County Council to oversee the phased habitat creation across the farm.

Delivery of biodiversity net gain schemes

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One the Square, CB1, Train Station Insights 06.10.21

The UK was in lockdown three times from March 2020 to March 2021 (retail and restaurants & leisure for approximately 7.2 months and 8.9 months respectively). Footfall, as reported by the Cambridge BID, is still 36% down on the average footfall recorded between 2015 and 2019. The consequential loss of business to retailers and leisure operators due to the loss of custom from city centre office users, tourists, students has been devastating.

Tenant Rent Arrears

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sleeping-rough Insights 19.09.21

After the success of getting 1,000s of rough sleepers off the streets at the start of the pandemic, Next Steps funding is aimed at developing affordable housing to accommodate rough sleepers longer term. Jake Lambert looks at whether its working.

The Government is trying to help rough sleepers off the street overnight – is it working?

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The Oxford Advantage

Mills & Reeve and Bidwells have partnered together to deliver a unique insight into the Oxford, Cambridge, London arc – often called the ‘Golden Triangle’ – that will explore the way businesses in the technology, life sciences and real estate sectors work together.

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Image of The Productivity Paradox

The Productivity Paradox

Download this report to read both part one & two of 'The Productivity Paradox'

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Understanding the slowdown and unlocking £8,600 in lost income

While rising productivity does not guarantee a successful economy and happy society, it certainly helps.

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High tech lab

Commercialising Science

Significant real estate lettings tell the story of a country highly attractive to global giants from Apple and Amazon to Moderna and MSD, but which struggles to nurture and retain our own innovative SMEs to scale. This is not to say the UK has an unimpressive record.

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Image of When Will We Solve the Housing Shortage

When Will We Solve the Housing Shortage?

England suffers from a shortage of housing.

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Image of Powering Productivity

Powering Productivity

Just the title of this report, The Productivity Engine, reminds us of breakthrough technologies and the immense potential for renewable electricity to power our future.

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Image of Oxford Graphic

Offices & Labs Databook Oxford - July 2024

A return of VC funding and renewed interest from multi-national pharma companies.

Summer 2024
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Image of Cambridge Graphic

Offices & Labs Databook Cambridge - July 2024

Science and tech businesses drive H1 2024 office and lab take up.

Summer 2024
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Image of Manor Farm, Mill Way, Grantchester 41

Cambridge Residential Rental Market Report, Summer 2024

As the UK faces a new government and potential shifts in SDLT for overseas buyers, our Q2 report delves into the static housing market, rising rents, and shifting demand towards larger homes.

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BTR Open & Operating Report | London

London boasts 43% of operational UK BTR, but regional pipeline dominates.

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Planting the seeds of productivity in the UK Timber industry

David Leslie, who leads one of Britain’s most innovative timber companies, shares his insights on how investment in people, technology, and sustainable practices can help the UK timber industry thrive and drive productivity in forestry and construction.

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Image of Housing stock

The Right Home, in the Right Place, at the Right Time

Operational living is transforming housing options in the UK, offering flexibility and accessibility to suit diverse lifestyles at different stages of their lives and careers.

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Sep 2024

BioWednesday: Being More Than an Ideas Factory

This seminar investigates the underlying barriers to innovative SME growth and discusses practical measures for enabling companies to reach their potential.

25th September 2024
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Image of Royal Highland show image
Jun 2024

Royal Highland Show 2024

Royal Highland Show 2024 rural breakfast briefing energises audience with land reform and sustainability debate.

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Image of Bisnow - slide cover
Jun 2024

Headline Sponsors at Bisnow's Build to Rent Annual Conference (BTRAC) 2024

Iain Murray, our Head of Operational Living, gave the opening keynote presentation and joined a panel at the Bisnow BTRAC conference in Canary Wharf, London.

12 June 2024
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Image of UKREIIF Webpage background
May 2024

Bidwells at UKREiiF 2024

At the Bidwells pavilion this year, we launched our Productivity Engine report and discussed key topics from it. We examined the crucial role of productivity in UK economic growth and living standards.

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Feb 2024

Founder to Founder, Exclusive insights from Oxfordshire’s Leading CEOs

If you were in a room with Oxfordshire’s top CEOs – what would you ask them?

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ARC Databook Background
Jan 2024

Offices and Labs Databooks webinar Jan 2024

We heard our experts discuss Bidwells’ latest research on the Offices & Labs market across Cambridge, Oxford, M1 South, and Norfolk & Suffolk.

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Country road through wind farm
Dec 2023

Switch on to onshore wind

In this podcast, planning and renewables experts discuss the current situation with Onshore Wind and its relevance to landowners, as well as views from the RSPB for those who wish to know more about the interaction between wildlife and renewable energy developments.

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ITS Oxford Logo-Strapline-White Background
Nov 2023

The challenge of scaling leadership as an organisation grows

When companies are small, it’s easy. Leaders are connected to each element of the business; keeping everyone aligned and motivated. But as companies grow, great leadership becomes harder and harder to deliver.

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onshore wind farm 2
Oct 2023

Are onshore renewables right for me?

This highly practical webinar held in partnership with Farmers’ Weekly magazine examines the central question being asked by farmers and landowners across England.

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Oct 2023

IF Oxford Science & Ideas Festival

We have partnered up with IF Oxford this year to help build science, social and cultural capital in the community we live and work in to help ‘open doors’ to careers in science and technology and support socioeconomic mobility.

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Sep 2023

The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference

Listen to real estate leaders from across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc discuss key issues facing the region at The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference 2023.

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Sep 2023

Offices & Labs Databook Presentation

Bidwells bitesize online presentation provided an update on the Offices and Labs Market across Oxford & Cambridge.

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