
Buckinghamshire Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2020

23.9.20 2 MINUTE READ

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Bucks

It continues to be a mixed bag across Buckinghamshire with the Local Plans of Aylesbury and Chiltern/South Bucks stalled at examination but progress looking to be made on the review of Plan:MK in Milton Keynes with the ongoing preparation of the Mk Futures 2050 Growth Strategy. Moving forward, the proposed revisions to the standard methodology suggest a significant increase in housing need for the upcoming strategic plan for Buckinghamshire to address.

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Bucks

Key highlights

  • Update MK Futures 2050 Growth Strategy expected to be published in November 2020. Review of Plan:MK anticipated to commence in early 2021 – potential for Call for Sites in late 2020.
  • Background work on a new strategic plan covering the whole of the new Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority Area is ongoing. The strategic plan, anticipated to be adopted in 2025, is expected to address the quantum of development and the main areas of growth, and will be supplemented by part 2 plans and neighbourhood plans as required.
  • The Local Plans of Chiltern and South Buckinghamshire, and Aylesbury Vale delayed at examination. Chiltern and South Bucks have requested a face-to-face hearing on Duty to Co-operate which is yet to be arranged. A response to the Inspector from Aylesbury Vale on the outcome of their main modifications consultation is still awaited.

Milton Keynes

Plan:MK was adopted by Full Council on 20th March 2019.

Policy DS0 of Plan:MK requires an early review of the Local Plan. A review of the Local Plan was intended to begin April 2020, with a Public Consultation on the Draft Plan timetabled for July 2021 and submission of a plan for examination intended no later than December 2022. However, there has been delays to this consultation process due to the impact of Covid-19.

MK Futures 2050 Strategic Growth Options Consultation commenced 20th January 2020 and closed Friday 1st May 2020, with further comments welcomed up until 17th July on the impact Covid-19 on the strategy. The Council intend to publish a revised Growth Strategy in November 2020. Although this Strategy is not a planning document it is intended to shape the direction of future growth for Milton Keynes. Due to the constraints around the main town this plan has been prepared on a boundary blind basis highlighting potential growth across neighbouring authorities.

Milton Keynes Council is currently consulting on a Draft Health Assessment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and a Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This consultation closes Wednesday 30th September 2020.


The Wycombe District Local Plan was adopted 19th August 2019. Following its adoption, the Wycombe District Local Plan faced two legal challenges, both of which have been unsuccessful.

Aylesbury Vale

The emerging Aylesbury Vale Local Plan was submitted for examination in February 2018. Modifications were subject to a public consultation which closed on 17th December 2019.

On 11th March 2020, it was announced that the Council had considered the representations made on the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan main modifications and had come to the conclusion that it was necessary to request some further transport modelling to support the existing evidence base. No updates on this additional work has been published.

On the 9th July 2020, the Inspector wrote to the Council following the publication of the 2018 Household Projections, to inquire whether the Council considered the resultant reduction in housing need to be a meaningful change that would require the reworking of the plan’s housing requirements. No response from the Council has been published.


Chiltern District has produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with South Buckinghamshire which was submitted for examination on 26th September 2019.

Stage 1 Hearing Sessions were expected to commence on 17th March 2020 to run until 26th March 2020, however as a result of Covid-19 these sessions were postponed, and the Inspectors decided to consider Duty to Co-operate matters through written representations.

On the 7th May 2020, the Inspectors wrote to the Council regarding their initial findings on the Duty to Co-operate and Matter 1 of the examination. The Council responded on the 12th May 2020, requesting that the matters be dealt with by a hearing. They anticipate submitting a full response once hearings can be fixed.

On the 20th May, the Inspectors replied to the letter of the 12th stating that due to current circumstances of Covid-19 the date of proposed hearing are unknown. It is understood that the Council have requested a face-to-face hearing which is expected to further delay the examination.

South Buckinghamshire

South Buckinghamshire has produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with Chiltern District which was submitted for examination on 26th September 2019.

Stage 1 Hearing Sessions were expected to commence on 17th March 2020 to run until 26th March 2020, however as a result of Covid 19 these sessions were postponed, and the Inspectors decided to consider Duty to Co-operate matters through written representations.

On the 7th May 2020, the Inspectors wrote to the Council regarding their initial findings on the Duty to Co-operate and Matter 1 of the examination. The Council responded on the 12th May 2020, requesting that the matters be dealt with by a hearing. They anticipate submitting a full response once hearings can be fixed.

On the 20th May, the Inspectors replied to the letter of the 12th stating that due to current circumstances of Covid-19 the date of proposed hearing are unknown. It is understood that the Council have requested a face-to-face hearing which is expected to further delay the examination.


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Mike Jones

Partner, Planning

Mike is a Chartered Town Planner with 19+ years’ experience and knowledge across an array of sectors.

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