
London Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2022

10.10.22 2 MINUTE READ

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Approximately half of all London boroughs have Local Plans that were adopted in the last five years, although not all of them can demonstrate a Five-Year Housing Land Supply. Those shown in red on the accompanying graphic are early in the process of preparing new plans and may have opportunities for site submissions.

It appears that the sheer volume of housing required by the London Plan is having a profound impact on housing land supply figures, and the constraint of the Green Belt and the lack of larger scale strategic opportunities in the capital is impacting the ability to meet supply requirements. Local Planning Authorities are being forced to apply additional stages of public and internal engagement to meet the requirements ahead of submission.

The Greater London Authority (GLA) is already progressing with its evidence base for the next London Plan with online surveys during Spring and additional phases of engagement are expected this Autumn to discuss key long-term challenges facing London.

Five Year Land Supply 

With many boroughs progressing their local plans over the summer and following a number of appeal decisions, there is an overall increase in the number of boroughs that are unable to demonstrate a Five-Year Housing Land Supply. In addition, the housing supply margins between boroughs are growing resulting in continued additional opportunities for the promotion of major development on un-allocated sites throughout Greater London.


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For detail on emerging Local Plan position in London please click on the map below.


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Jonathan Bainbridge

Partner, Planning

Jonathan leads our London planning team, focussing on technology clusters, large-scale residential, council headquarters and higher education – it’s an eclectic CV.

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Billy Palmer

Associate, Planning

From universities and schools to residential developments and even sports stadia – Billy has worked on schemes across a wide range of asset types.

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Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2022

Our Local Plan Watch provides an update on the progress of the Local Plans coming forward across our region to allocate new land for development and highlights the key opportunities for landowners, promoters and developers. 

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