Meet our trusted experts


Christian Milner

Senior Planner, Planning

Known for his detail-orientated approach and strategic thinking, Christian thrives when solving problems for his clients.

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Janet Minter

Viewing Guide, Residential

Janet is a viewing guide in Bidwells' residential department.

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Henry Moore

Rural Surveyor

Henry is a surveyor in Bidwells' rural investment team.

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Alex Morter

Alex Morter

Partner, Rural


Adam Mossop

Associate, Lease Consultancy

From regearing and renewing leases, to conducting rent reviews, Adam is best placed to assist you in enhancing your commercial asset’s returns.

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Rebecca Mothersole

Associate, Rural

Rebecca enables her clients to maximise their income streams and the future potential of their estates.

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Karl Mumford

GIS Mapping Manager

Karl is Bidwells' GIS mapping manager.

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Image of James Munro

James Munro

Negotiator, Lettings

James is a negotiator in Bidwells' lettings team.

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Image of Iain Murray

Iain Murray

Head of Operational Living

Iain spearheads our Operational Living department across PBSA, Co-living, Build to Rent, Later Living and Retirement.

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Mark Myles

Partner, Head of Planning Scotland

Mark's 30+ years’ experience in public and private sector development management gives him a deep understanding of planning across Scotland.

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Brandon Nascimento

Senior Property Manager

Brandon gets to know your properties in detail, so he can provide the best management service and find you the best tenants.

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James Newcombe

James Newcombe

Graduate Surveyor, Investment and Property Management

James in a graduate surveyor in our investment and property management team.

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Image of Helen Newman bio (002)

Helen Newman

Group Head of Sustainability

Helen's background in sustainable development, sustainable finance and impact investing, ESG Strategies, and her understanding of the regulatory landscape brings unique insights in creating a more inclusive and sustainable built environment.

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Louise Newton

Partner, Rural

A leading industry expert, Louise is recognised for her wealth of knowledge and experience in rural diversification, planning, and development.

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Sophia Nitschke

Sophia Nitschke

Planner, Planning

Sophia works on a diverse range of residential, employment, education, and energy projects across Greater Cambridge and East Anglia.

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Image of Samuel Nobbs (1)

Samuel Nobbs

Senior Rural Surveyor

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