Meet our trusted experts


Martina Sechi

Associate, Head of Landscape & Townscape Assessment

Martina is passionate about townscape architecture, ensuring her clients’ visions are delivered in a way that complement their settings.

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Thomas Bacon

Thomas Bacon

Landscape Architect & Urban Designer

Focusing on creativity and collaboration, Thomas’ hard-working attitude ensures clients receive well-informed and innovative visions and masterplans for their sites.

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Danielle Percy

Danielle Percy

Partner, Head of Landscape Architecture & Masterplanning

At all stages of the development process, Danielle and her team of landscape architects and urban designers are on hand to help you.

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Image of Alex Wood

Alex Wood

Principal Landscape Architect & Urban Designer

Alex is a Principal Landscape Architect & Urban Designer, working in our Masterplanning, Landscape & Assessment team.

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Image of Caroline Rust

Caroline Rust

Senior Landscape Architect, Urban Design Studio

Caroline is a Senior Landscape Architect, working in our Urban Design Studio team.

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Daniele Haynes

Associate, Heritage & Conservation

A heritage consultant with a passion for setting.

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