Biodiversity units for sale

Wildfell, Gray’s Farm, Wethersfield, Braintree, CM7 4BB


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  • Image of WildfellJPG

Biodiversity net gain initiative generating approximately 345 biodiversity units for sale.

Located within the South Suffolk and North Essex Clayland National Character Area and adjacent to the River Pant, this scheme will enhance existing ancient woodland and create a complex habitat mosaic.

Habitat works have already commenced at this site, where the BNG scheme will form part of a wider environmental strategy alongside community outreach and woodland planting for carbon credits.

The BNG scheme will generate over 340 biodiversity units consisting of woodland, scrub, ponds, individual trees, orchard, grassland and hedgerows.

The biodiversity baseline and Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan have been completed for this scheme.

Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:

  • Woodland habitats of high distinctiveness
  • Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Grassland habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Lake habitats of medium to high distinctiveness
  • Hedgerow habitats of high to very high distinctiveness


Local Planning Authorities
National Character Areas
South Suffolk and North Essex Clayland

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