Biodiversity units for sale

Mornacott Estate, Bishops Nympton, South Molton EX36 3QS


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Biodiversity Net Gain initiative creating >1,000 biodiversity units for sale.

Oxygen Conservation are delivering a Biodiversity Net Gain scheme in Devon that will restore, buffer and expand priority habitats. The creation of woodlands, species-rich grassland mosaics, and enhancement of river habitats will generate over 1,000 biodiversity units. 


  • Yeo (Molland) waterbody catchment
  • Taw and North Devon Streams opertaional catchment

Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:

  • Woodland habitats of high to medium distinctiveness
  • Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Grassland habitats of very high to medium significance
  • Hedgerow habitats of high to medium distinctiveness
  • Lake habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Watercourse


Local Planning Authorities
North Devon
National Character Areas
The Culm

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